Penerapan Data Science Pada Dataset Pokemon

  • Jonathan Gracio Susanto Universitas Kristen Maranatha
  • Setia Budi, S.Kom., M.Comp., Ph.D


Data science is a science that studies data. Data that is usually explored in data science is quantitative data. In short, quantitative data is data that can be calculated because the data is in the form of numbers. Required knowledge of data science is mathematics, statistics and programming such as python. In this case, the dataset used is the pokemon dataset. This pokemon dataset has some basic information such as name, type, generation, HP, attack, defense, speed and legendary. This dataset is obtained from the kaggle website, this kaggle website is a website for the data science community, on this website everyone can share the dataset and even some of the exploration code they have done so that other people can see it on the kaggle website. There are several potential explorations that can be done from this pokemon dataset, including analyzing the data on the pokemon dataset, making data visualizations and making the exploration results into new information that is more useful than before. This exploration is assisted by several tools, namely python pandas and jupyter notebook.
