Pengembangan Materi Digital Marketing Pada Bisnis Kuliner

  • Kevin Kurniawan Yenni Merlin Djajalaksana, SE, MBA, Ph.D.
  • Yenni Merlin Djajalaksana, SE., MBA, Ph.D.


The impact that has been caused after the COVID-19 has made internet users increase every day which causes changes in daily routines in society, such as working and doing activities from home. This gives rise to many people who have to learn independently about new things to do for work and activities such as requiring educational content for learning media. Learning media can be in the form of videos that explain each topic you want to learn, such as looking for topics on how to make animated videos. In the plan for making videos, it is necessary to have a Storyboard and Copywriting that describes the video that will be made so that it is well planned. With interviews with resource persons who are doing a culinary business or who are just starting out, it is hoped that they can help culinary businesses in content creation. The duration of the video content to be made should not be made too long, so that viewers understand and are clear about the video.
