Perancangan Inovasi Sistem Google Parking Pada Project Development in Business di Keimyung University

  • Frankie Pandapotan Purba Universitas Kristen Maranatha
  • Doro Edi, ST., M.Kom.


Abstract — Project Development in Business is an activity that aims to align or develop resources or an idea so that the project you want or is currently developing in order to achieve a certain goal in an organization or company and project development in business has the stages of a project in business changing from an idea to a project plan that is ready to be developed. The development of a project will define a project scope, create a schedule, set an initial budget and so on. Project development in business has specific goals, based on the business to be developed, such as designing Google Parking development innovations consisting of several people in a group by applying several methods that can support the design of Google Parking project development. In project development or project development in business the Google Parking system will use several interrelated methods in stages, namely, Market Aspect, Technical Aspect, and Management Aspect.

Based on these several methods or aspects, the methods are interconnected and carried out in stages starting as follows: Market Aspect which aims to find out which users will be the target of the Google Parking project market. The Technical Aspect is used after knowing the market aspect in advance and this method is defined as a technical aspect that aims to find out the resources, materials, and others that will be used. Management Aspect is an activity to manage project aspects. Financial Aspect which aims for financial planning in the future. Socio-Economic Aspect to identify and measure project-specific contributions to the national economy.
