Perancangan dan Pengimplementasian Desain Aplikasi Proyek Akhir Program SIB Dicoding

  • Jhonathan Oktavianus Lumban Tobing Universitas Kristen Maranatha
  • Robby Tan, S.Kom., M.T.


The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia has a learning program, namely Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka or MBKM, one of the activities in the MBKM program is independent study, which is an activity where students / students study a field of science outside their campus, students / students will receive knowledge from MBKM partners (companies or agencies that cooperate in supporting the MBKM program). The SIB Dicoding batch 3 program leverages one form of independent study activities in this MBKM program. SIB Dicoding itself is a learning program designed by Dicoding with one of the learning paths that can be taken, namely the Android Application Developer. The Learning Path for Android Application Developers in the SIB Dicoding program certainly learns about Android technology, such as learning the fundamentals of Android applications, Kotlin programming language, Android Intermediate and many others. During the independent study activities in the SIB Dicoding batch 3 program, there will be several stages of learning such as providing hard skills and soft skills materials as well as learning with practitioners. The author suggests that participants who want to take part in the SIB Dicoding program to prepare themselves by learning the basic knowledge of the learning path to be chosen.
