Penerapan Metode Design Thinking pada Aplikasi Lelang Karya Seni
Certified Independent Study and Internship, or MSIB, is a program from the Indonesian government that aims to
help students get the best competency to face the future. Independent study is one of the activities offered by Kampus Merdeka to
students throughout Indonesia in accordance with the most recent industry standards. One of the independent study programs
that is followed is Android Application Developer Learning. Discuss how to develop Android applications from easy to medium,
which is done in stages. Learning Android through independent study activities provides new insights into the theory and practice
of creating Android applications. Kotlin is the primary programming language used to develop Android applications.
Independent study activities not only produce knowledge products but also produce projects that can benefit society. The artwork
auction application is the final project in the independent study activity. The Design Thinking method is a method used in
designing auction application systems. Suggestions for readers who will take part in the Android Application Developer
Independent Study program are to prepare themselves with the basics of programming and have device specifications that meet
the requirements, so they won't have difficulties learning Android applications.