Perancangan Website Sistem Informasi Penjualan dan Distribusi Bahan Baku

  • Eunike Tirza Kerenhapukh Universitas Kristen Maranatha
  • Doro Edi, ST., M.Kom.


The rapid development of technology allows all activities carried out by humans to be done digitally.
This will be very beneficial for companies engaged in logistics, because it can create a logistics process that runs
more effectively and efficiently. The role of information technology in logistics is very important, especially
companies that sell raw materials. Raw materials will always be a human need every day, thus the ordering
process, packaging, storage or warehouse, and delivery of goods must be carried out quickly and accurately to
meet customer satisfaction. Therefore, a website called the Digital Logistics Information System was developed.
This Digital Logistics Information System website will focus on all sales and distribution processes of raw
materials, from pre-sales activities, ordering processes, shipping, to payments that are done automatically with the
developed system. The Digital Logistics Information System helps to manage the information in real-time and
accurately, making important documents such as inquiries, quotations, purchase orders, outbound delivery,
billing and accounting more quickly. In addition, the stock of materials in the warehouse will be reduced
automatically in the event of a pick-up of goods, it helps to manage the material within the warehouse.
