Pengembangan Aplikasi Pengelolaan Data Stok Menggunakan Platform Outsystems

  • Yustisiarni G Manao Maranatha Christian University
  • Andreas Widjaja, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph. D.


PT.XYZ (not the real name) is one of the largest banks in Indonesia. There are millions of transactions that PT. XYZ process per day. Every transaction has data that PT. XYZ must manage, so it is important to have a good data management system so that the transaction process can run smoothly. PT. XYZ already has a letter and valuables data management system, but it is still manual or paper-based. Therefore PT. XYZ wants to replace the existing system method with a digital system by creating a web-based application. This application will be developed using the Outsystems platform, a low-code platform. By digitally managing data of letters and valuables, it is expected to increase the efficiency of the entering and leaving process of letters and valuables.
