Pengajaran Pemasaran Digital pada Siswa SMA Melalui MBKM Asisteni Mengajar

  • Michael Jeremy Tappang Universitas Kristen Maranatha
  • Tiffani Astadini Tarigan Mahasiswa
  • Julianti Kasih, SE., M.Kom.
Keywords: Digital Marketing, Teaching Assistance, MBKM (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka).


Digital marketing is an online marketing strategy implemented by a business through digital technologies such as websites, social media, email, etc. To promote brand and increase sales. Digital marketing takes advantage of existing and trending technological developments so that it can increase sales of a business. That's why marketing in this way is very important for a business, especially for businesses that are just starting out. Therefore, in this final project, the author wants to provide a way for the author to prohibit digital marketing for high school students through the MBKM (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka) program, teaching assistance which is carried out for 1 semester. MBKM (Merdeka Balajar Kampus Merdeka) teaching assistance is a learning activity carried out by students collaboratively with teachers/tutors/facilitators/parents in various educational units in the formal, non-formal and informal education subsystems.
